Beiträge von veromary

    I'm dusting off my old samplesets and I've found I have the files for St Maria Nordheim from Prospectum, but I no longer have the .organ file to get the Hauptwerk files to work with GrandOrgue.

    Looking through the forum, I've found a few dead links, but the Filebase seems to be empty.

    This thread looks promising, but my Deutsch ist nicht so gut:

    Workshop: ODF-Erweiterung

    Does anyone have a copy they could forward to me?

    I had trouble installing Grand Orgue on Linux Mint today - the key seems to have expired. Here's what worked:

    sudo apt -o Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories=true -o Acquire::AllowDowngradeToInsecureRepositories=true update

    and then

    sudo apt-get -o APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated=true install grandorgue

    Installing the deb package manually didn't work as it came up with an unsatisfiable dependency (grandorgue-resources if I remember correctly)

    Hope that helps