for this odf you need to download the Skrzatusz and the Ledziny organs from Piotr grabowski (the grand orgue version)
and put the ordners: Skrzatusz data and the Ledziny data in the folder you have downloaded from me
composide registers:
Man 1: Bordun 16',Principal 8',Flute hamonique 8', Quinte 2 2/3',Octave 2',Cornett 4f.,Mixtur 3f.,Quint 2 2/3'+2', Tremulant, II/I, 4'II/I
Man 2:Fugara 8',Geigen-Principal8',Gedact 8', Viola di Gamba 8',Salicet 8',Principal 8',Praestant 4',Flauto dolce 4',Portunal-flöte 8',Principal 4',Mixtur 2f.,Flauto travers 4',Tremulant
Pedal:Subbas 16',Subbas16', Violon 16', Principal 8',Octavbass 8',Viol.cello 8',Bassflöte 8',Posaune 16'.Tremulant,I/P,II/P
Version 1.0.0
Organist 117 -
March 28, 2024 at 8:46 PM -
9.3 kB -