Our GrandOrgue users

  • The manual config is easy: Organs just feature one pedal and 1 - 3 (or 4,5 less likely) manuals. Same for enclosures.
    ODF and settings are district for reason:
    ODF is a stable file format, which theoretically could be implemented by any program.
    The settings are a dump of the GO internal state and may change in any way, as the GO internals change.

    So storing the audio distribution rules in a separate file (or in $HOME/GrandOrgueConfig in the [OrganXXX] section) would be the simplest solution.

  • I learned about GrandOrgue from a friend in New Jersey several years ago. My previous experience since 1985 was CEO of an electronics company producing MIDI Converter Systems for the pipe and electronic organ industries. I just completed as my major musical retirement project a 3M+P VPO using dual QuadCore computers running on LINUX MINT 17.3 with GO ver2084. My VPO has Bass Shakers under the bench and is mostly enjoyed through use of SONY Professional Studio Monitor Headphones. I use Marcussen Laurenskerk Demo Set, Ryan Thoryk's Composite 160-rank organ, Piotr Grabowski's Friesach Eisenbarth Organ, Barton 3/7 Theatre, Lacaud Best Strings Sample Set and Walcker-Wildervank. I have many more Sample Sets but seldom use the others. I am a big fan of Huge Sforzando Registrations and Sweet String Ensembles and now have both.