Three-Organ Ensemble Using LINIX Mint Workspaces

  • Maybe everyone knows this, but I just had the thrill of discovering that I can load up a Grand Orgue "organ", move it to another Workspace, then run Grand Orgue program again and load in a second organ, move that one to yet another Workspace and even load a third instance of Grand Orgue with a third organ package. The entire complement of the three organs then play from a single MIDI-USB cable and the ensemble is magnificent!! The SFORZANDO I registered sounded like a huge Cathedral organ in Germany or France. Admittedly I am using headphones, but who cares when one plays simply for personal enjoyment.

    A long-time friend and associate of mine is now working with me to finalize a small circuit board with software to render Grand Orgue "spatiality" to a a major new breadth. This, coupled with the LINUX folks Workspace genius will be really "low-budget" spectacular. Can't wait to try it next month.

    Incidentally, the three organ ensemble was Wildervank, Burea and the G.O. Demo running on a INTEL I5 3470S machine 4-core) with a mere 8GB of DRAM. I have no idea if this concept will work under WINDOWS, as I have ditched Microsoft Systems for some time now.

  • Running multiple instances (even on one workspace) is possible on all plattforms. Just use the "-i" parameter of GO, so that each instance will use a seperate config. It is possibe to share the organ settings store (GrandOrgueData folder), if you configure the same folder in all instances. Sharing the cache folder is possible, if the load settings are similar.

  • Apparently the "PLAY MIDI" function will only affect the organ that is the focus of the moment, but an external sequencer - another computer for example - could be merged with the incoming MIDI stream from the Grand Orgue keyboard/pedalboard setup and play all organs?

  • Yes, GO can receive MIDI input from a sequencer software (even running on the same computer).
    Unless the sequencer software create a virtual MIDI port, create a virtual MIDI port (eg. snd-virtmidi) and redirect the sequencer to it. GO requires a (virtual) MIDI input port to connect to.

    Don't forget to configure the sequencer as (second) MIDI event in GO