Panel Customisation (Mac OSX)

  • Hi all,
    I've had GO for a few years now and doing some customising of the displays making some of the console features easier to read on higher resolution screens (changing font size, colour, layout, etc)
    I've succeeded in accessing the *.organ file to change the main console, but haven't found any files where I can access the panel displays (those selected from the PANEL menu).
    There are lots of compiled files in my "Applications" folder, and I'm hoping these are related to the controls (mido to sound) rather than being compiled panel controls.
    Is there a file somewhere on the computer that tells the panels how to display? My main organ is the Burea Extended.
    Thanks for any help :)

  • Only panels defined in .organ files are editable.

    Many elements/functions present on the builtin GO panels are available for adding to the main/additional panels - so you can add more panels with a custom layout to .organ files, which provide similar functions.