A GO ODF for the AVO Organ from Abbey of Solignac ?

  • Hi,

    I am new here and mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht, so I prefer to speak english (not good either, as you can see, but I have an excuse : I am french). I am discovering Grand Orgue and the wonderful job made by all the people who wrote ODF for this excellent software. I downloaded ODF from the filebase here, for all the free libraries, but I didn't find one for Organ from Abbey of Solignac :


    Did I miss it ? Is there someone who plans to make an ODf for this lovely free organ (I'm sure I am unable to make one myself) ?.

    Thank you very much


  • Bonjour Eric,

    My compliments for your English, athough I am a firm Fracofile, your English is far better than my French (I am Dutch)...

    Some time ago I asked the maker of the Solignac sample-set for the original GO file for Solignac, and he was so kind to send it to me in the mail.

    By the way, his name is Sebastian Halas, and I have attached the file to this mail.

    Please rename it from .ODF to .ORGAN be fore you try it out. (I had to rename it before I could attach it...

    I hope this helps, it is indeed a nice Instrument. Enjoy! In case the attachment did not survive transport, send a mail to vanwees@hocuspas.nl and I will replay with a mail plus attachment.


    Job van Wees

  • Thank you very much, it is very kind of you, and I appreciate.
    Unfortunately, the file does not work. I don't think that it is corrupt, because Grand Orgue tries to launch it, but it stops and sends error messages, like when the odf is not in the good folder. So I tried to place it everywhere, but without success.
    The file weighs 121ko, and I suppose that it is correct.
    Does it need other files to be installed with it, like some ODF by Andrew Hall (ahall41), which need a folder called "pedals" and a file called "BlankLoop.wav" ? I tried and put them with the odf, but it did not work, wherever I put these files...
    I see that other members of the forum downloaded the file too. Does it work ? It would be nice to know.
    If not, I shall write to you.
    Thanks again.
    N.B. : don't be fooled by your first impression about my English... Without Linguee, it should be much worse. ;)
  • Actually,

    I pulled the file from a working config, it runs fine on my Windows and Linux system.

    My config is as follows:

    Map 'Solignac'

    Containig File Solignac.organ

    map 'Data_Solignac

    Containg the following Maps











    These maps should be the same as the maps in the sampleset you are using.

    Otherwise it should be possible to identify the corresponding maps and rename the accourdingly.

    All the maps, exept M_Bourdun just contain the samples. There are two extra maps present in M_Bourdun , but it looks they are not used, I tested this and I could remove them and the organ loaded fine.

    I hope this helps, it is running fine for me, if not, please let me know, and I will try to help.



  • Thank you very much. But I have a little problem : in fact, I don't understand the word "map". What am I supposed to do ? Write something somewhere ? Rename some files/folders ? Make new folders ?
    The Solignac folder for Hauptwerk has 3 subfolders, called "OrganDefinitions", "OrganInstallationPackages" and "Temperaments". In "OrganInstallationPackages", I find a folder called "002531", and in it, these ones :

    It differs from your list. What must I do ?

    Thank you for your patience
  • Goodevening Eric,

    First, map equals folder, I should have used the correct idiom in the first place, my fault entirely.

    The .organ file I posted expects the folder-structure I sent, so I would start building an empty folder-structure like I sugested.

    Second, the folders you mentionned, starting with a number should contain the samples, so copy, not move, the contents to the corresponding folders in my list.

    The contents from images goes to images, and the contents from the 3 folders ending with noise should go to noises (I made an interesting typo there, 'noses' should be 'noises' :) )

    In the end you should have a folder 'solignac' containing the .organ file plus a folder data_solignac, containing 10 folders.

    To test the organ, open the .organ file in GO, and if all goes well, the organ should load.

    If not, drop me a mail at my mailbox, vanwees at hocuspas dot nl and I will find a way to send you the entire folder stucture plus contents. It runs gine on my systems, so it should work.

  • Job: Wenn Sie den TREE über den DOS-Prompt anfordern, sehen Sie alle Hauptordner und die Unterordner auf einmal.

    G:\xxxxx\GrandOrgue\My Organs\Kassel-Niederzwehren>Tree

    Folder PATH listing for volume New Volume

    Volume serial number is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    └───Kassel-Niederzwehren - Binauralpipes

    └───Kassel-Niederzwehren - Akte


    │ ├───Cromorne

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Gambe

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Gedackt

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Nasat

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Octave

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Principal

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Rohrfloete

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Scharff

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ └───Sesquialtera

    │ ├───R0

    │ ├───R1

    │ └───R2


    │ ├───Blockfloete

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Cornett

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Flageolet

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Hohlfloete

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Mixtur

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Octave2

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Octave4

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Principal

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ └───Trompete

    │ ├───R0

    │ ├───R1

    │ └───R2


    │ ├───TrakturI

    │ │ ├───Attack

    │ │ └───Release

    │ ├───TrakturII

    │ │ ├───Attack

    │ │ └───Release

    │ ├───TrakturP

    │ │ ├───Attack

    │ │ └───Release

    │ └───Windmaschine


    │ ├───Gemshorn

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ ├───Posaune

    │ │ ├───R0

    │ │ ├───R1

    │ │ └───R2

    │ └───Subbass

    │ ├───R0

    │ ├───R1

    │ └───R2




    Wenn Sie noch nie mit Windows DOS gearbeitet haben, ist es eine kleine Suche. Es ist Teil von Windows. Geben Sie Hilfe an der DOS-Eingabeaufforderung ein, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.

    Windows: Start drücken: CMD eingeben, DOS-Eingabeaufforderung wählen.

    Ps ( evt PM in Dutch)

  • @ Canticus, Vielem Dank!

    When I perform the tree actition from folder solignac I get the following:



    │ ├───Background

    │ ├───Manual

    │ ├───Pedalier

    │ └───Stops













    That makes things a lot clearer... Thank you verry much!

  • Thank you very much, Canticus,

    it's clearer for me too. I'll try to copy exactly this structure, although i have not the same folders...

    Some news of my attempts later...

  • Sorry, but it seems that, even with the same structure, some files are missing, like one called "001_C1_.png", supposed to be in Images/Pedalier/, required by Grand Orgue when it tries to open Solignac, but there is no such file in the whole Solignac folder. As it is just the first error message I get (GO does not go further), I assume that there are other files in that case. So I think that several files have different names than those in your folders, or are simply missing... :(

    I am really sorry to bore you, but I think that, if you still agree, I shall send you a mail and see how you could send me the whole folder of Solignac...

    Thank you very much
